Cello Making
To put it lightly cello making has come a long way since its inception. Today, there are many options available for musicians looking for the perfect cello whether it be a new cello or an old cello. From the traditional luthier-made instruments to factory-made ones, finding a quality cello at a reasonable price has become easier than ever before.
The key to finding the right cello is to understand what makes it unique and special. Tonewoods, condition, set-up, and other components all play an important role in determining the sound of a particular instrument. Additionally, it is important to understand how an old cello might differ from a new one when it comes to sound quality and playability.
Finally, when looking for a quality cello at an affordable price, visiting your local music store is always an option but sometimes it is best to stick with a violin shop who focuses solely on stringed instruments and bows. With knowledgeable violinmakers and access to various level of string instruments, you can be sure that you will find something that suits your needs perfectly!