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7/8 Cello Progress

Cello progress! Finally! I never get to build instruments as much as my heart desires but I do love taking the time to bring old instruments back to life so someone can enjoy playing them again. So I guess the trade off isn’t so bad…

But back to the progress on the cello, I am working on the final graduations before gluing the back onto the rib structure and fit a bass bar. The scroll is just about finished except for some light scraping. I am anxious to see how this petite, little cello ends up sounding!

It is in the final weeks of the instrument build process that you see the instrument really come together. So the next steps are to glue the back onto the ribs, fit the bass bar and shape it, then glue the top on to complete the sound box!

Then I will carve a fingerboard and set the neck before the cello spends a few weeks sun tanning before I can start the varnish process!

Check back for a finished product in a few more weeks.

7/8 Cello Progress 7/8 Cello Progress 7/8 Cello Progress 7/8 Cello Progress