400 W. 37th St. Reading, PA 19606 | BY APPOINTMENT ONLY


Guadagnini Cello- Continued

The Guadagnini cello is suntanned and ready for some varnish! The hard part is making sure to let your instruments get a nice base before jumping into varnish work… Easier said than done because you have this beautiful instrument in the white that you just...

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‘Messiah’ Stradivarius

My latest violin build is another Stradivari copy… I know, surprise, surprise! But he really was ahead of his time. The craftsmanship that you see in his work is truly incredible! And as a modern violin maker it is truly inspiring. I was fortunate enough to...

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Old German Violin

Violins are all the same, right? From the outside world I can see why all violins look the same! But when you are a maker or a player you appreciate the beauty that instruments have to offer! This instrument wasn’t worth a terrible amount, it was...

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Andrea Guarneri Viola

My latest viola build is a copy of one of the most known members of the Guarneri family; Andrea Guarneri. Andrea along with several other great makers apprenticed directly with the great Nicolo Amati. Among those that apprenticed with Amati Guarneri held true to the Amati...

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G. B. Guadagnini Cello

Giovanni Battista Guadagnini is one of my favorite makers! Guadagnini is regarded as the greatest maker of the second half of the 18th Century! Not one of the greatest, but thee greatest… His career expanded of 44 years and his original style produced some of...

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